Unlock Your Complementary Resources Today

There are so many resources out there I have used, researched and tested. As I develope my own resources I have collected ways to shift your internal state using a range of ideas, techniques, and pathways to shift who you think you are. Please enjoy these complementary resources to shift the internal messages that are running your life.

Warmest regards, Matthew Tait.

This resource was written back near the start of my coaching journey as I had discovered many ways to shift my own anxiety levels. There are many so I set myself the challenge to collect my resources and was as surprised as anyone that I had indeed 100 methods to shift how you are feeling. Some work instantly, others take more consistency. It is all about what resonates with you and choosing your own adventure. My focus on this was hope. If you feel broken and out of options, this list of resources will indeed give you new pathways to find calm.

An introduction to people looking to find new ways to calm your mind and body from anxiety to calm. 23 Videos, 3 hours of content, workbook. A series of activities and ideas to help you to shift your mind to calm your body. Calming your Past, your Present and your future.

This resource is about shifting a belief by mining your internal database of lived experience. We all delete, distort and generalise our lived experience to survive the world. This activity will retrieve and re-focus your mind to acknowledge a different database than that you are currently focussed on with your current limiting beliefs.

After working with many clients, I added hypnotic recordings where clients messaging is presented in the form of a meditation hypnotic recording. There are so many more, and I shall add them to my resources both on my website and on youtube (Fork in road Matthew Tait). The goal with any indicative process is to allow your mind to relax and allow a new message about yourself and perceptions of life to enter the unconscious mind for your mind to consider as a new way to see life. I am enough is a great starting point for many if us, including me. This helped me so much and there are always traces to heal, let go of, and release inside us all. These meditations will help you shift those automatic thoughts that hold you back.

I created this audio originally for myself as I discovered feelings of unworthiness as I stepped out into business the first time. Now there was a lot to learn to feel competent. But this feeling was deeper and not even allowing myself to start the learning process for business acumen. And thus this meditation was born from my coaching experience to rewire my brain Togo on the journey of learning and making mistakes. A journey I was avoiding. A JOURNEY I NEEDED TO TAKE.

This resource evolved out of my research with the filters of our mind, an NLP model of change. This was also mixed with the elements that help form our identity.Why identity, because when you align your actions with your identity of who you believe you are, then amazing energy is released via actions and intention. Shift your identity, shaft your reality as your mind will move heaven and earth to align your life with this identity.

Matthew Tait Coaching
Matthew Tait Coaching